Resource and Knowledge Centres– Swedish in a Multilingual Setting, SMSThe CLARIN Knowledge Centre for Swedish in a Multilingual Setting (CLARIN-SMS) offers expertise in linguistic processing of text, especially for Swedish and/or when multiple languages are involved. In addition, CLARIN-SMS offers expertise in the application of language technology to Swedish Sign Language. CLARIN-SMS is primarily directed at researchers in the humanities and social sciences with a need for analysis, annotation or mining of Swedish or multilingual text, and additionally at researchers with a need for corpora or tools for Swedish Sign Language. CLARIN-SMS makes resources in the form of tools for linguistic processing and corpora available in service of the humanities and social sciences. The resources include monolingual (mainly Swedish) and multilingual corpora across several domains, and tools for basic processing of text, including tokenization, morphological analysis, part-of-speech tagging, syntactic parsing, and named entity recognition. CLARIN-SMS offers special expertise in the following areas:
Tools and Resources
Helpdesk ContactEva Pettersson, eva.pettersson@lingfil.uu.sePublications